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On this page I present photo-documentaries of actions related to biodiversity conservation, including rescuing animals in disaster situations, nature conservation projects, among others.


Flamingos that are illegally kept in resorts in the Dominican Republic are being rehabilitated and returned to nature through the Rescate Rosado project.



This photo documentary highlights the efforts of specialists to support stable, healthy populations of lions in the Great Mara Ecosystem by providing scientific evidence for conservation action.


Conservation of cheetahs through the story of Elena Chelysheva. A Russian researcher that moved to Africa more than 20 years ago and is now recognized as one of the greatest specialists in cheetahs. In 2002, Elena created and published a new approach to Cheetah identification, now widely used.


The Pokot people are an agricultural and pastoral tribe inhabiting Kenya and Uganda. The specific group that was documented lives in Laikipia, Kenya.


This photodocumentary aims to show people the importance of the birds of prey, especially vultures, and highlight the work that conservationists in Kenya are doing to protect this species. 


      This photo documentary highlights different projects that fight for the protection of one of the main ecosystems within Kenya, the Mau Eburu forest/Naivasha.


Bushfire in the Juquery State Park, municipality of Franco da Rocha. The criminal practice of launching unmanned balloons caused the destruction of more than 53% of the park's vegetation, putting the local fauna in danger.


As a result of a drought never seen in the last 50 years, the largest floodplain in the world has turned into a desert. This photo-documentary shows the rescue operation of caimans (Caiman yacare) in Pantanal.


In addition to dealing with the recurrent fires and historical droughts in the Pantanal, the animals are constantly exposed to being run over, especially in MT-060, the Transpantaneira road.


The drought that hit the Pantanal in 2021 is already the biggest in 50 years. The largest floodplain in the world, considered one of the “hotspots” of biodiversity on the planet, is subjected to an intense process of desertification. 

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